Tag: Richard

  • Watching Football

    Watching Football

    Football season was always one of my favorite times with Richard – at least during his more adult years. While he lived in Lexington he came to most of our pre-game tailgate parties at Commonwealth stadium, when we went to UK games. He didn’t miss much free food. He also liked to come and “discuss” the game.…

  • Silence of the Birds

    Silence of the Birds

    It’s Halloween. Richard always had a good time with Halloween. So after church this morning we stopped in Kroger and got a couple of helium filled Mylar Halloween balloons to take to the cemetery. It was a beautiful morning, perfectly clear sky and crisp but not too cool air. A hundred feet or so from…

  • Zombie Shopping

    Zombie Shopping

    Richard spent a few months working at Sears. He was in the tool department. He also liked Halloween. He always liked to run the haunted house at our church’s annual Halloween party. He was big into fake blood. He liked to paint on all sorts of cuts and bruises, black eyes and missing teeth. He…

  • Memorializing FaceBook

    Memorializing FaceBook

    Richard had a Facebook account. Not too surprising, nearly every college kid does. It’s sort of a piece of his life, dangling out there in cyberspace. Debbie was one of his “friends” on Facebook. I wasn’t. Facebook started out being limited to students only. Later they opened it up to everyone, and all us old…

  • Mr. Honesty

    Mr. Honesty

    Early in our marriage we decided to become a one-income family so Debbie could stay home with the kids. This of course was tough for our young family to do. Money was tight. We had to do without and find bargains wherever we could. Debbie and the kids were grocery shopping.  As they wheeled down…