
GriefNet provides email support groups for all areas of grief. There are thirteen groups listed for loss of a child.

GriefNet asks for a $10 per month donation to be part of a group. They say no one is turned away for financial reasons. They do offer a one month free trial so you can try it before making a donation.

I joined the group for parents that have lost an adult child.

The best I can tell, there is no access to past emails for the group. You only get an email if a parent sends one to the group. You then get all the replies to that email by other members. Traffic has been pretty slow in this group so far. Of course I could send an email to the group. But I don’t really know what I’d say or ask. It’s easier for me to join in a conversation that’s already started.

I would get more out of GriefNet if it was set up as forums rather than email groups. If there were forums we could go back and view past topics. Forums also let users add profile information if they feel comfortable doing so. It would help me to see something about the other people I’m sharing my life with here. With the email group all I see is a name. I just don’t feel that connected. I must admit I’m not really fond of email groups and that may affect my opinion about this. If you like email groups this may work great for you.

GriefNet has a library of articles on their website. It isn’t specific to bereaved parents, but there is some interesting stuff there.

They also appear to have a place for you to setup a “virtual memorial” for your child. I didn’t set one up for Richard yet and I may not because this blog sort of serves that purpose. I didn’t see anything about charges for this service, so I assume it is free.

Visit the site here:


6 responses to “”

    • Kerri-I lost my son just two months ago. I miss him so much! Everyday is so painful. Not sure what to do. How to cope. I know your pain. I am so sorry for you.

  1. Dear Kerri,
    oh, precious one….I lost two sons 0ver 12 years ago And it still hurts….
    Who can say when it can stop, But I can tell you, if you are a believer, the sting will be a bit easier to stand.
    I try to keep busy, keep my mind,heart and hands. occupied and never for get to keep praying for the persons who are going through this rough ride as we are.
    Be Blessed

  2. I lost my daughter last summer on August 7th 2014. I still can’t believe that she is not coming back. The anniversary is in a couple of days I don’t know how to handle it. I am a lost soul,
    Thank you for listening.

    Dawn Malkinski

  3. dawn, words are almost unbearable to understand no matter what people say we see their mouths move but we are in slow motion, that is how life will be for a while..i will pray for you as I pray for myself and others I still celebrate my son’s b’days,holidays,etc, too many days to count, try to remember the good times with your daughter and family, please donot ever let some one say don’t cry, you cry all you want, you have permission, and remember you are God’s baby too, he loves you and cares for you, just hold on.

  4. Today has been eleven years since my daughter Violet died. I still cry sometimes and i am wounded but things have gotten better. The feelings of devastation never gi away but they do lesses in severity and i have learned to smile again

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