Tag: memorial

  • A Brick In Memory of Richard

    A Brick In Memory of Richard

    After Richard’s death we asked friends and family to make donations in memory of him to a couple of charities. Since Richard was an eagle scout the Boy Scouts of America were a natural choice. We also chose the WHAS Crusade for Children. The Crusade for Children is a local charity, featuring a weekend long…

  • Memorial Montage

    Memorial Montage

    Memories. As grieving parents, they’re all we have left of our missing child. Pictures are one of the best ways to share those memories. But if you’re like us, those pictures may be squirreled away in boxes, or in  many photo albums. We’ve got another option to help put your child’s life on display –…

  • The Richard Book

    The Richard Book

    Debbie’s birthday was last month. Her gift from our daughter Sarah arrived from Texas the other day. In the enclosed birthday card, Sarah instructed her mom to share the gift with me. There was a pack of Kleenex attached to the gift, warning of an emotional surprise inside. It was a special gift indeed. Inside…